Kettufy Features

Discover how Kettufy's low-code platform empowers you to build, design, and manage robust applications effortlessly. Explore our comprehensive features designed to accelerate your development process and enhance your application's functionality.

Rapid Application Development

Kettufy's low-code platform enables rapid application development, allowing you to prototype, build, and deploy applications faster than ever. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of pre-built components, you can focus on creating value rather than getting bogged down in code.

  • Visual Development Interface: Easily create and customize your applications with our user-friendly visual interface.
  • API Integrations: Seamlessly connect your applications to external services and data sources.
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Powerful Workflows

Kettufy provides robust tools to define complex logic and workflows, enabling you to build highly interactive and dynamic applications.

  • Visual Workflow Editor: Design and manage workflows visually, making it easy to see the flow of your application.
  • Conditional Logic: Implement conditional logic to create dynamic behaviors and responses within your application.
  • Event Triggers: Use event triggers to automate processes and create interactive user experiences.

Data Management

Efficiently manage your application's data with Kettufy’s powerful data management features. Our platform makes it easy to handle data storage, manipulation, and retrieval

  • Integrated Database: Utilize our integrated database to store and manage your application’s data securely.
  • Data Binding: Bind data to UI components seamlessly to ensure your application is always up to date.
  • Data Visualization: Create compelling data visualizations to help users understand and interact with your data effectively.
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Who is low code made for?

Low-code development with Kettufy is personalised for all roles, ensuring everyone from business professionals to seasoned developers can create powerful applications effortlessly. Explore how Kettufy empowers different roles:


Enhance Your Efficiency Experienced developers can maximize productivity by using Kettufy to handle repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on complex coding and innovation. Combine low-code ease with traditional development techniques for optimal results.

  • Custom Code Integration
  • Advanced Logic & Workflows
  • Rapid Prototyping

IT Professionals

Streamline Development IT professionals can use Kettufy to accelerate development cycles and deliver applications faster. Integrate seamlessly with existing systems and maintain control over your projects with advanced customization options.

  • APIs & Integrations
  • Scalable Architecture
  • Enterprise-Grade Security

Business Professionals

Empower Your Ideas With Kettufy, business professionals can turn their innovative ideas into reality without needing extensive coding knowledge. Use visual development tools to create, customize, and deploy applications that meet your business needs.

  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface
  • Pre-Built Templates
  • No Coding Required