Why Choose Kettufy Low-code Platform?

You have the concept
We have the platform

What is a Low-code Platform?

Low code is a technique for creating applications that transform coding from written to visual. Low code uses a model-driven, drag-and-drop interface rather than a technical coding environment. Low code allows developers of all experience levels to create value-driven corporate business applications, including professionals, novices, technical experts, key stakeholders, and decision-makers. 


To know more about Low-code in detail, check out our Guide to Low-code Functionality.

About Kettufy Low-code Platform

Your digital projects can be created and launched in a low-code environment using the Kettufy low-code platform. You don't need programming knowledge to realise your ideas because there is a vast library of pre-made components available for you to use. 

With Kettufy, applications are created on a low-code platform utilising "visual development," where simple drag-and-drop operations complete most of the work. With our low code solution, code can still be shot after if needed. 

Ask for a free demo right away to see how far you can get without developers. 

10 Reasons Why Choose Kettufy Low-code Platform

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Kettufy Low Code Platform - Features

  • Realise Your Vision - Create the Future You Want - Get to operate and market your product in a far shorter amount of time. You are aware of your vision and the demands of your customers, and we have the infrastructure to implement your ideas in weeks compared to months. 


  • Enterprise Innovation - Your idea for an application can be implemented without the need for time-consuming, traditional coding. Kettufy low code platform’s user-friendly backend enables you to create the digital innovation your business requires without the assistance of developers.


  • Kettufy is GDPR Compliant - Our minimal code platform complies with the stringent German and European GDPR criteria (General Data Protection Regulation). 


  • Be Your Own Developer - With Kettufy, you no longer need a development team to finish your project. Components may be dragged and dropped into a logical place to build your project. Within a brief period, empower your staff. With us, dynamic modifications to your project are always possible without adding extra costs. 


  • Track Your Development - You can track user behaviour using the Kettufy low-code platform. Performance monitoring will lead to fewer barriers and better usability. None of it calls for additional software. 

Realise Your Vision - Create the Future You Want - Get to operate and market your product in a far shorter amount of time. You are aware of your vision and the demands of your customers, and we have the infrastructure to implement your ideas in weeks compared to months. 

Enterprise Innovation - Your idea for an application can be implemented without the need for time-consuming, traditional coding. Kettufy low code platform’s user-friendly backend enables you to create the digital innovation your business requires without the assistance of developers.

Kettufy is GDPR Compliant - Our minimal code platform complies with the stringent German and European GDPR criteria (General Data Protection Regulation). 

Be Your Own Developer - With Kettufy, you no longer need a development team to finish your project. Components may be dragged and dropped into a logical place to build your project. Within a brief period, empower your staff. With us, dynamic modifications to your project are always possible without adding extra costs. 

Track Your Development - You can track user behaviour using the Kettufy low-code platform. Performance monitoring will lead to fewer barriers and better usability. None of it calls for additional software. 

To understand Kettufy better or to clarify any doubts you may have, get in touch with us today.

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Benefits of Kettufy Low-code Platform

  • Any Business can Benefit from Rapid Development - The Kettufy low code platform allows you to construct projects that are scalable and allow integrations with significant vendors in addition to assisting you in building any project incredibly quickly.  

Additionally, it enables you to access APIs and transform your lines of code into reusable building blocks. To ensure that every enterprise can meet all customer and market demands, all of these boost productivity and quicken the development process. 


  • No Requirement for Highly Developed Coding Abilities - Regardless of professional experience, anyone can build a useful website using our low-code platform. And this is incredibly helpful for anyone who wants to stay up with how quickly the online world is evolving and how individually tailored all the demands are.  

By employing low-code solutions, you can avoid hiring specialised coders for software development while yet enjoying a quick development cycle for developers. This implies that in addition to the quicker production process, traditional organisational barriers are no longer rigid, allowing for better collaboration between divisions. 


  • All Processes can be Automated - A project begins with a business requirement. A website or app may be completed in no time since the Kettufy low-code platform uses automated procedures assisted by crucial pre-built tools and features like the editor, templates, layouts, and other aspects like the easy user interface that the platform offers.  

Additionally, it is feasible to automate any digital business process thanks to accessible APIs and prebuilt interfaces. 


  • Agile Modelling and Prototyping - Kettufy Low-code has many advantages, one of which is that it enables any business user to develop prototype solutions for the same projects quickly. The final outcomes can be contrasted, examined, and tested to determine which is the best choice for the business. 

Following a decision, the project can be forwarded to development for scaling and integration with other solutions.


  • The Potential for Integrating Historical Data (Legacy Integration) - The ability to integrate legacy mainframe systems is another significant advantage of Kettufy's low-code software development. 

So, you won't have to be concerned about your project being abandoned without the chance to scale it. 


  • No need for Shadow IT - Many choose to design their own apps independently of IT because the development process typically takes too long. Because it may be extremely challenging or impossible to integrate the app into a company's architecture, this results in shadow IT, where tech staff are no longer able to assist. 

Your business won't have this issue if you use Kettufy’s low-code development, particularly if the IT department has approved a low-code editor like ours. 


Visit and learn more about how Kettufy can be beneficial for your business.

What Can You Build with Kettufy Low-code?


#1 Workflow and Process Management App.

#2 Application for Human Resource Management.

#3 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software.

#4 Tool for Asset Management.

#5 Application for Case Management.

#6 App for Healthcare Management.

#7 Apps for Hospitality.

#8 SaaS Development.

#9 Applications for Regulatory Compliance.

#10 Citizen Development with Kettufy.

#11 Omnichannel Endpoints for Core Systems.

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