The Kettufy Low-code Platform

An Overview

Who We Are

Humans, not algorithms, are responsible for innovation's future. We have the platform; all you need is an idea. 

Kettufy low-code platform is where you can create and launch your digital projects in a low-code environment. With a vast library of ready-made components, you do not need programming skills to bring your ideas to life. 

With Kettufy, applications are developed using a low-code platform via "visual development", where most work is done by just drag-and-drop. With our low code solution, code can still be shot after if needed. 

See how far you can go without developers; request a free demo today.  

Why Kettufy Low Code Platform?

We are rapidly approaching a time without developers! You have the concept, and our platform will let you implement it without the need for programmers.

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Enhances Speed

Create your browser-based features in a matter of days as compared to months. Create applications utilising our low-code platform using "visual development" rather than manually entering lines of code. Just drag and drop components to complete much of your work. 

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We all understand ‘Logic’, so you do not need to learn to program. But with the Kettufy low code platform, the ‘if-else’ logic is now snapped together in a convenient visual environment rather than being written down character by character. The needed order of the necessary operations is stored. Ultimately, this operates like a domino chain where one event might start a series of related ones. 

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Reduced Costs

Reduce your expenses on programmers and use spare development funds elsewhere.

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Empowerment & Freedom

Kettufy low code platform not only supports but also empowers you and everyone else in the company. With no requirement for programming knowledge, everyone working for the company can and is encouraged to create custom solutions. So, no need to wait for IT teams; just do it yourself. 

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With an architecture that offers a wide range of alternatives, including horizontal scalability and vertical scalability, which are adaptable to a customer's particular requirements, scalability is a key component of how Kettufy is created. So, get off the technology sidelines: Kettufy is ready for future growth.

Visit the page to understand in detail why you should opt for the Kettufy Low-code Platform.

Kettufy Low Code Platform - Features

  • Business Innovation - Without the need for cumbersome, conventional coding, your idea for an application comes to life. The user-friendly backend of Kettufy allows you to build the digital innovation your company needs without the help of developers.


  • Make Your Vision a Reality - Enjoy a significantly accelerated time-to-use and time-to-market. You are aware of your vision and your customer’s needs, and we have the platform to put your ideas into action in weeks rather than months. 


  • Be Your Own Developer – With Kettufy, to complete your project, now you do not require a development crew. Components can be dragged and dropped into a logical position to complete your design. Within a brief period, empower your staff. With us, your project is always capable of dynamic updates without incurring additional fees.  


  • Kettufy is GDPR Compliant – Our low code platform meets the high German and European requirements regarding the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).  


  • Monitor Your Progress - With a Kettufy application, you can observe user behaviour. Reduced obstacles and improved usability will result from performance measurement. None of it requires outside software. 

Is Kettufy for me?

Check how you can create software solutions without developing skills.

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Advantages of Kettufy Low-code Platform

Low-code development makes it simpler than ever to construct adaptable apps to complete tasks, whether by enabling business users to design apps themselves or streamlining the coding process for coders by automating manual operations. 


  • Enhanced Productivity with Kettufy - Compared to conventional techniques, our Kettufy low-code platform can speed up software development and increase developer productivity, enabling you and your business to achieve more with the same number of resources. 


  • Higher Agility with Kettufy - Because the Kettufy low-code platform is scalable and offers direct vendor integrations, IT can turn command lines, web services, and APIs into reusable building blocks.


  • Accelerated Innovation with Kettufy – Kettufy Low-code platform offers speed and simplicity so that tech enthusiasts and inexperienced developers without a solid background in programming can create apps just like full-stack developers.


  • Cost Efficiency with Kettufy – With the Kettufy low code platform, the costs drop drastically as more apps can be produced in less time with less requirement for developers. 


  • Efficient Governance and Risk Management with Kettufy – With Kettufy low-code platform, your organisation can keep up with the globally applicable regulations and their constant change.

Read more in detail about the Kettufy Low-code Platform's Advantages here.

See What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

Logo of Gründerplattform

The start-up platform was realised for KfW as a large-scale project from the very beginning with Kettufy. A complete success!

"Our giant baby performs and scales"

Marco Habschick, CEO Gründerplattform

Icon with the 3 letters NGO

An NGO can now compile complex table data independently, flexibly and more clearly - without development effort.

“You've finally freed us from Excel!”

Internationally operating NGO

Logo KFW

The founding platform was the first major project to be implemented with Kettufy from the start and is a complete success. Thousands of new users register every month, plan their entire start-up and submit financing inquiries. But not only the front end is easy-to-use and modern. In the back end, Kettufy tracks the performance of pages, user flow, traffic source and much more.

"Our giant baby performs and scales"

KfW Banking Group

Logo of Innovestment

Innovestment can finally map the entire process on one platform. As a provider of crowdlending options, the entire route - registering a user account, user participation, lending money, and user communication - is mapped via Kettufy.

"The only ones who understood our process."

Innovestment GmbH

Is Kettufy for me?

Check how you can create software solutions without developing skills.

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See how far you can go without developers

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